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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dear Michael....

Dear. Michael,
Let me clear something up for you. While you may have been a talented NFL Player in your prime, dip-diving-ducking-n-dodging your way into the hearts of millions, the reason you are no longer welcome in the NFL is NOT because you're black. Nope, not even close. It's because you senselessly brutalized helpless animals. Man's best friend, to be exact. And stuff like that doesn't go unnoticed; not by me and definitely not by NFL Owners. Now even Jesse Jackson is weighing in. I love Jesse as much as the next guy (see picture below) however, even his latest opinion is way off base:
“I want teams to explain why they have a quarterback who has less skills but is playing or at least is on the taxi squad, and a guy with more skills can’t get into training camp.”

Well Mr Jackson and Mr. Vick, these quarterbacks with "lesser skills" did not participate in a slew of inhumane acts, resulting in the brutal deaths of dogs by (but not limited to) slamming, drowning, and electrocuting them.

As a lover of dogs and pit bulls in particular, I simply can't support your bid for a home with ANY NFL Team, nor can I understand why anyone, including Jesse Jackson is surprised.


Patricia said...

Rob, you ROCK!

Unknown said...

Thank you for understanding! If only the rest of the football world could be so intelligent. Hugs to your pups!